Monday, August 28, 2017
Homework: August 28th - 31st
Superkids reader- Read 'Ettabetta's Radish Patch' Page 16
- Support children in reading it through once aloud
-Next read the first and second verse to children to demonstrate fluency
-Then ask children to close their eyes and listen closely for rhyming words- Read verse one aloud to and ask children to tell you the words that rhymed. Do the same for verse two.
-Support children to read the poem once more aloud
Worksheet page 2-1: complete the side of the page which is not done
-If not done last night, remove the Superkids letter to parents from their homework folders, read and keep.
-Support children in reading 'Ettabetta's Radish Patch' Page 16 once aloud
-Next, children should complete Independent Activity Worksheet 25.
1. Cut out the 4 sentences on the right of the page
2. Read sentences and place them in their correct position (1-4)
3. Glue sentences to page
Worksheet page 2-2: complete BOTH sides of the page
(Encourage children to use their fingers to complete these sums if needed- put up the 'whole' amount that is given (8 fingers) then put down the part of this whole that is next given in the sum (e.g. 2 penguins are small)... 8fingers -2fingers = the missing part )
-Open page 17 of the readers, ask children to point out any exclamation marks and periods they can see on this page and ask them what they should do when they come across them while reading.
-Support children in reading 'The Patch-it-up Shop' Page 17-20 once aloud
Worksheet page 2-4: complete one side of the page- the side with the bananas and fish
We are making a class kindness tree:
- Ask children about how they can be kind at home and then in school
- Assist children in writing a sentence or drawing a picture of how they can be kind in school on the small green piece of paper in the homework folders
Thank you for the time you put into the leaves for our Kindness Tree, the children had some really great contributions! Also, a big thank you from all the class for the Golden Time donations we received this week :-)
There will be a spelling test next Friday. As we are off school Monday, preparation will start tonight.
-Tonight's words are 'dish', 'fish' and 'wish'
-We will be using the 'Say, Cover, Write, Check' method to learn spellings:
-Children will say the word aloud, spell it aloud, cover it, practice writing it on the blank space provided and then check that they wrote it correctly
-They will do this twice more per word: say the word, spell it aloud, cover the word, write it on the blank space and then check that it's correct.
*They have a strip of paper from their Superkids workbook that has their spelling list on one side and memory words on the other side:
-Children will read these memory words (list of pronouns) aloud to you once tonight
-Please display this somewhere they will see it often (e.g. the fridge).
Worksheet page 2-5: complete the side of the page that is not completed
Library Field Trip:
Please fill in the 'Library Card Application' form and return it in their homework folders by tomorrow. This way the library will have their cards ready for them for the day of the field trip.
(Forms just need to be filled out and returned tomorrow, photo identification and proof of address are not required for these applications)