*Talk to children about the Fun Run which will be on Friday 22nd. Check out how our class are doing on
There will be a spelling test this Friday.
-Monday's Spellings- Using the 'Say, Cover, Write, Check' method, for Monday's spellings: 'math', 'path', 'moth' and 'cloth'
*Children have a strip of paper from their Superkids workbook that has 'th' spelling words on one side and 'wh' memory words on the other side: Ask children to read the 'wh' memory words (question words) aloud to you once tonight
-Please display this strip somewhere they will see it often (e.g. the fridge).
-Worksheet 2-10
*See blog post re chaperones needed for field trip next Tuesday
-Tuesday's Spellings- Using the 'Say, Cover, Write, Check' method, for tonights spellings: 'thin', 'think', 'then' and 'them'
*Children have a strip of paper from their Superkids workbook that has 'th' spelling words on one side and 'wh' memory words on the other side: Ask children to read the 'wh' memory words (where, what, why etc.) from the back of this and make up a question to use and say each question word e.g. "Where is my pencil?" "What time is it?"
-Worksheet 2-11, complete side not done
*Please fill in and return forms in Wednesday envelopes
-Wednesday's Spellings- Using the 'Say, Cover, Write, Check' method, for tonights spellings: 'where', 'what', 'why'
It is 'N' week. Ask children to show you their Religion journal and to read to you their entry for N week. Discuss their drawing with them and how they can be Nurturing Individuals in school and at home.
-Thursday's Spellings- Using the 'Say, Cover, Write, Check' method, for tonights spellings: 'when', 'whch' and 'who'
-Look over all spellings as test is tomorrow
-Worksheet 3-2, complete side not done